Was able to wash n dry quickly the large loads it was $ 9.00 to wash in the big load washer n $2.50 to dry didn't expecting it to be quite that much but to get it done quickly it was ok..it was clean n they had change machine, n wash n fold laundry services.

Laundry and Dry Cleaning Delivery Services in and near Onalaska, TX
Do laundry the easy way with laundry and dry cleaning pickup and delivery services from Anytime Laundry. Now available to individuals, households, and businesses in and around Onalaska, TX.
Laundry Done In Just Three Simple Steps:

Create an Account Online
Creating an account only takes 2 minutes.
Handle all your order details online.

Choose Your Pickup & Delivery Dates
Use the service only as often as you need to. No subscriptions!

Sit Back & Relax
Why do laundry every weekend?
Treat yourself, and do something fun instead.
Laundry Service Pricing
Try our convenient pick up and delivery service today. Perfect for busy families and individuals in and near Onalaska.
Anytime Laundry offers pickup and delivery laundry service to homes and businesses in and near Onalaska, TX. These pickup and delivery laundry services include residential wash and fold, dry cleaning, and commercial laundry. We service the entire Onalaska zip code of 77360. Laundry and dry cleaning pickup and delivery is the most convenient way of completing this chore.
While Anytime Laundry handles the laundry, you can spend your time freely in Onalaska. Did you know this charming lakeside town harbors an eclectic array of restaurants? Try the coffee and pastries at Cheeky Coffee, the stromboli at Simple Simon’s Pizza, or the fajitas at La Casita Restaurant. All of these eateries and more can be found along US Hwy 190 that goes through town. So why not get a bite to eat and enjoy time outside of the house? Don’t let laundry hold you back. Schedule a pickup today.